Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Thomas talk

Lucas was being loud as normal and Thomas was trying to watch the TV. Thomas had the controller and said he was going to put the controller up Lucas's bum to turn him off so he would be quiet.

I found it very funny and a bit of me wished they did have a button to turn them down (not accessed via their bum though!)

Thomas talk - party

Thomas was at a friends daughters first birthday party. We were all sitting down eating the lovely food so it was quiet when Thomas said "I like being at the party"

So cute, and also relieved that he was enjoying it and didn't say he wasn't in front of everyone, he he.


What is the obsession with turning the TV on and off. Especially when Thomas or me are in the middle of watching something.

It drives us mad. Lucas thinks its hilarious and when I tell him off he has started shaking his head and wags his finger at me. Cheeky!

Treasure box

Lucas enjoying looking in the treasure box I made for him. I learnt about these when I went to a mother and baby group. Its good for their senses and encourages them to play on their own.

In his box I put an empty loo roll, egg cup, silicone cupcake case, small tubbit, sock, a bag which had cookies in which made a crunchie sound when scrumpled up, heart Post it notes, hair band, box of raisins, washing liquid pot.

I'm hoping it will entertain him for a while!

Monday, 29 April 2013

Health Check

Lucas had his year check today and the health visitor was very pleased with him. 

He is a good weight and height and showed that he is into everything and on the move. 

I don't know about Lucas but I think me and the health visitor were exhausted by the end of it!

Thomas talk

Thomas wanted the TV on this morning. I asked him to say "put the tele on please super Mummy"
So he said
"put the tele on please Mummy with poo in your eyes"

Not quite the same but 10 out of 10 for imagination. Obviously I didn't have poo in my eyes :-)

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Little dinners

Chicken Curry with cous cous, peas and cheese.

He loved it. Although the cous cous was very messy!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Little dinners

Very pleased the homemade chicken Curry and cous cous went down well. Funny how yesterday he said it was disgusting and today he loved it. I even had to defrost more for him.
Lucas also liked it , especially with a big dollop of sour cream.

St Georges Day

St George's day remembers the England's patron saint St George who died on April 23rd.  This is seen as England's national day and is celebrated by many.  According to legend he was a soldier in the Roman army who killed a dragon to save a princess.
stgeorgesday Website

Monday, 22 April 2013


I had the most amazing burger and chips for dinner tonight. I met up with some friends and we had a good gossip and giggle and I had a burger with mozzarella and chorizo. It was delicious.
It was a hard decision with so many yummy things on the menu but I made the right choice.
I was contemplating having a healthy option but decided to make the most of life and go for something tasty.

Mini meals

Making a batch of food for the boys. Chicken Curry.
Chicken casserole with sweet potato and carrot topping.
Now for the tidying up!

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Crisp Fiend

I love crisps and enjoy treating myself to a packet.  This morning was no different.  I thought I would have the last packet of Cheese Doritos.  I had put Lucas down for a nap and Thomas was engrossed in the TV so I thought this is the perfect opportunity for a bit of "me time" 

I kicked back, relaxed and enjoyed each crisp, then Lucas wasn't settling so I decided to get him up again.  I put my crisps down leaving 3 in the packet, I was only going to be a few seconds picking Lucas up then could get back to my indulgence.  The one thing I was really looking forward to....those 3 crisps.  The tasty, cheesy crisps, from the last packet of doritos.  The crisps which I had been saving to enjoy in peace and quiet.  Then I heard a rustling packet and little footsteps upstairs and Thomas emerged, laughing.  Saying "Mummy, I have eaten all of your crisps"

I was hoping he was joking - he does like a joke.  Then I smelt his fingers, I actually smelt my 3 year olds fingers to see if he had eaten my crisps!  That is not a highlight of my day.  He wasn't joking, my last 3 crisps were gone.  This was a big deal for me.  As you can tell by my post!

Aunty time

This week Thomas spent some quality time with his Aunty as "Nanny & Grandad" are away. 

It is easier now that he has a booster seat and that can be easily put in other cars rather than having to strap the car seat in - an obstacle course in itself!

So the day started off with them going to hit balls at the golf course which Thomas loved.  And he seems to be quite good, better than me and catching up with Aunty Nic too.  Then they went  for lunch to Mcdonalds and on to feed the ducks in Arundel.  All things that he enjoys and made extra special because he did it with his Aunty Nic.  To be honest this is the kind of way I would like to spend my day.  Especially the Mcdonalds bit. 

He even got a special golf hat which he loves to wear at home and makes a big deal that this is the golf hat he got with Aunty Nic.

He is a very lucky boy and has the best Aunty who loves to spoil him!

Arundel Wetlands trust website

Busy fridge

I think I need to organise my fridge! It seems to be a balancing act with no order.


The boys playing chase in the lounge. It was so cute they were chasing each other and laughing, made a change to them arguing and Thomas trying to boycott everything Lucas wants to play with!


When Phil suggested a salad for dinner I wasn't too excited but then decided to add chicken, bacon, avocado, home made croutons so it was a bit more exciting. Yum!

Sleepy boys

Nothing better than looking round and seeing that both boys have fallen asleep.
We were on our way to town but decided to let them sleep so Phil went to the shops while I sat in the car and relaxed with some peace and quiet :-)


After a night out cheese and beans on toast makes everything better.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Mum was going for dinner with some of her friends and kindly invited me to go.  I rarely see my Mum on our own, we are always with the children so it was a great opportunity to relax, have a chat, some lovely food and of course some delicious wine!

The food was amazing.  I had potted duck pate to start, rolled fillets of Sea Bass for main then gooey profiteroles for pudding.  Although we shared them.  All washed down with plenty of wine.

Food Proto Restaurant link - Worthing 


Hot chocolate and biscuit for Thomas

New Moon

Tonight is the first phase of the moon (new moon)  This is when it is closest to the sun in the sky as it is seen from Earth.  When the Moon and the Sun have the same ecliptical longitude. 

Wikipedia New moon

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Play time

With Aunty Nic in the tent.

Zebra crossings

The world's most famous zebra crossing is the one featured on the Beatles' Abbey Road album in North London.

Zebra crossings were introduced in Britain on 4 April 1949.

The Name Zebra was chosen because it was thought that it would be easily understood and remembered by children.  It was chosen by the then parliamentary secretary to the ministry of transport.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

And relax

A nice way to relax after a hectic day with the kids and working.

A nice pub, glass of wine and a chat with friends.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Kids & Boxes

I Love this Advert.  So true
McDonalds Happy meal advert - Kids and boxes


Lovely chicken pie with peas, mash and gravy. Delicious :-)

My little tiger

He kept this on all day because he wanted his uncle Ady to see it.

Potty training days 4-5

So Thomas seems to be getting used to not wearing nappies and is coming round to the fact that he won't wear them again during the day. To begin with he kept saying to Phil that he would wear a nappy the next day. 

I have been taking him to the loo every 30-45 minutes (which is a challenge when you also have a poorly 10 month old)  I have also tried to stay really calm and not get too stressed with him.  So the number 1's have been going well but so far no joy with the number 2's in the loo.  But it is early days and I am staying positive.  Now I know that it isn’t as easy as I had expected and I have accepted that it will take a while.

To encourage him I have brought him his own hand soap and wipes.  I have put them on a low shelf in the bathroom so that he can reach them and he has his own little towel to dry his hands on.  I have moved his stool to the bathroom too so he can reach the taps and climb onto the loo.  He loves being independent and was getting excited that he could flush the chain and wash his hands on his own. 

He is also putting a star on his reward chart every time he goes to the loo.  Before he went to sleep tonight I took him up a heart shaped post it note with well done written on it.  He loved it and knew that it said well done because he had been using the loo.  He was so pleased.  Hoping over the next week it will begin to click and get easier and he will begin to say when he needs the loo.

Monday, 1 April 2013