Poor little Lucas had a wardrobe malfunction at swimming today. I had taken Thomas's swimming trunks to his swimming lesson which were far too big. They looked more like culottes. I had to tuck them into his nappy so they didn't fall off.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Smiley boy
Lucas saw Phil for the first time in 4 days this morning as Phil had been away.
It was so cute, he looked at him, reached out to touch his face and started cooing at him :-)
It was so cute, he looked at him, reached out to touch his face and started cooing at him :-)
Got home from dropping Thomas at his grandmas and as I went into the lounge could hear a noise. The cats were acting a bit cagey and suspicious. Then I recognised the sound as a cockerel.
I thought, oh my god they've actually managed to catch a cockerel and bring it into the house, I started to panic and thought I need to locate this cockerel.
So I was listening to where the noise was coming from and saw it was actually on the sofa, then noticed my phone. I had set an alarm to remind me to do something. I never use the alarm what with the boys waking me up every morning so didn't recognise it.
So panic over there wasn't a cockerel just my alarm.
(Confused the cats though)
I thought, oh my god they've actually managed to catch a cockerel and bring it into the house, I started to panic and thought I need to locate this cockerel.
So I was listening to where the noise was coming from and saw it was actually on the sofa, then noticed my phone. I had set an alarm to remind me to do something. I never use the alarm what with the boys waking me up every morning so didn't recognise it.
So panic over there wasn't a cockerel just my alarm.
(Confused the cats though)
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Wrong voice
I was reading Thomas his bedtime story which Phil normally does. A couple of pages in Thomas said I wasn't doing it right. He said I was reading it funnily. What does that mean?
So I tried harder, changing my voice for each character, this wasn't good enough either. Nothing is as good as Daddy reading his bedtime story.
So again I exaggerated the words and put on as many different voices as I could manage. I sounded like a right plum.
I recon he did it on purpose to make me sound ridiculous!
So I tried harder, changing my voice for each character, this wasn't good enough either. Nothing is as good as Daddy reading his bedtime story.
So again I exaggerated the words and put on as many different voices as I could manage. I sounded like a right plum.
I recon he did it on purpose to make me sound ridiculous!
Looking good
So had a lovely shower and hair wash - well as lovely as I can with Lucas watching me and Thomas running in and out the bathroom asking me questions. After I'd had my shower and got dressed I said to Thomas "how do I look?" Expecting a good, or clean, or pretty. He just looked me up and down, had a disgusted look in his face and said "funny"
Great, thanks!
Great, thanks!
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Peso & Garlic
Thomas sometimes tries to trick us and ask us to tuck Peso in bed. A way of getting us upstairs again. He did it tonight and I gave in and said I would do it this one time. I went up and tucked everyone in and he was happy. Then I gave him a kiss and said goodnight.
He then said "Mummy, you smell of garlic" Very unexpected and surprising, I don't know how he knows to recognise the smell of garlic. I had literally just finished eating my dinner which had lots of garlic in it so he was right though. LOL
He then said "Mummy, you smell of garlic" Very unexpected and surprising, I don't know how he knows to recognise the smell of garlic. I had literally just finished eating my dinner which had lots of garlic in it so he was right though. LOL
Stressful sing song
On the way back from the town today Lucas was not happy. He was screaming which was not enjoyable for poor Thomas and Me!
So I asked Thomas if he could sing to Lucas to try to stop him crying. Originally he said "No" which he does to most things I ask of him at the moment. After trying to calm him down by me singing Wind the bobbin up really loudly so he could hear above his loud cries I gave up. It wasn't working.
Eventually Thomas decided to help. His song was - Peanut butter. Bascially we sang Peanut butter to the tune of Frere Jacques. Peanut butter, peanut butter, do do do, do do do. And so on.
Luckily this worked and Lucas was quiet all the time we were singing. As soon as we stopped though he started crying so we had to sing it for the whole fifteen minute journey home. Ridiculous.
So I asked Thomas if he could sing to Lucas to try to stop him crying. Originally he said "No" which he does to most things I ask of him at the moment. After trying to calm him down by me singing Wind the bobbin up really loudly so he could hear above his loud cries I gave up. It wasn't working.
Eventually Thomas decided to help. His song was - Peanut butter. Bascially we sang Peanut butter to the tune of Frere Jacques. Peanut butter, peanut butter, do do do, do do do. And so on.
Luckily this worked and Lucas was quiet all the time we were singing. As soon as we stopped though he started crying so we had to sing it for the whole fifteen minute journey home. Ridiculous.
Christmas in Worthing
So this afternoon after a lovely catch up with some friends I decided to take the boys for a walk in the town. It was beginning to get dark and the Christmas lights were on. It was beautiful and Thomas was very excited about seeing the lights. It also helped me too because Thomas kept running to the next set of lights which made us walk quicker. LOL. Lucas looked at them, not too sure what he thought of them. Didn't cry which must mean they were enjoyable to look at?
What a morning
The day started off quite nicely with the boys sleeping until just gone seven, I should have known then!
I went to get Lucas dressed and found he had a bit of a nappy malfunction (if you know what I mean). Not to worry I thought, I will just pop him in the bath and then wash his clothes and put them on the radiator to dry.
So I sat Lucas on my knee while I was running the bath, the cold water was coming out and the hot water was not following. Meanwhile I was a bit of a mess too as Lucas had been on my knee. So I checked and the heating wasn't on either.
The boiler was flashing red which I thought was not a positive sign. So by then I established I had no heating or hot water.
I must admit I did start to panic thinking about drying clothes, having a shower, bathing the boys. Then Thomas started running around saying "oh no, whats happened?" which was kind of cute but not helping my stress levels at 7.45 in the morning. I couldn't get hold of Phil but eventually he called back and gave me a tip on how to temporarily fix it which I did so everything worked out ok but not a great start to the morning.
I went to get Lucas dressed and found he had a bit of a nappy malfunction (if you know what I mean). Not to worry I thought, I will just pop him in the bath and then wash his clothes and put them on the radiator to dry.
So I sat Lucas on my knee while I was running the bath, the cold water was coming out and the hot water was not following. Meanwhile I was a bit of a mess too as Lucas had been on my knee. So I checked and the heating wasn't on either.
The boiler was flashing red which I thought was not a positive sign. So by then I established I had no heating or hot water.
I must admit I did start to panic thinking about drying clothes, having a shower, bathing the boys. Then Thomas started running around saying "oh no, whats happened?" which was kind of cute but not helping my stress levels at 7.45 in the morning. I couldn't get hold of Phil but eventually he called back and gave me a tip on how to temporarily fix it which I did so everything worked out ok but not a great start to the morning.
Monday, 26 November 2012
Weird washing machine
Now I have no idea what my washing machine was playing at today but it would not spin. This morning it had run but didn't spin so I pressed a button which I thought would make it spin. It didn't.
So I did on a rinse and spin cycle. Still didn't spin, so I turned it all of and tried again. 32 minutes later- still hasn't spun. In the end I gave up and rang it out myself, not that successfully I might add.
I have since done another wash which worked.
How crazy is that?
So I did on a rinse and spin cycle. Still didn't spin, so I turned it all of and tried again. 32 minutes later- still hasn't spun. In the end I gave up and rang it out myself, not that successfully I might add.
I have since done another wash which worked.
How crazy is that?
My potatas bravas
As I loved my dinner so much I thought I'd share how I made them.
It is soooo easy and you can make the sauce in advance and just add to potatoes when you're ready.
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic (chopped)
Half a can (420g) of chopped tomatoes
tbsp tomato puree
2 tsp sweet paprika
Chilli powder
Fry the onion until its soft (approx 5 mins)
Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer for ten minutes.
Then you can use whenever you're ready.
I boiled potatoes, added to a dish with oil, seasoned with salt and then put in a pre heated oven (approx 190) for about 20/25 mins.
When the potatoes are crispy mix it with the warmed up sauce.
I think it will be nice using just boiled potatoes too. X
It is soooo easy and you can make the sauce in advance and just add to potatoes when you're ready.
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic (chopped)
Half a can (420g) of chopped tomatoes
tbsp tomato puree
2 tsp sweet paprika
Chilli powder
Fry the onion until its soft (approx 5 mins)
Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer for ten minutes.
Then you can use whenever you're ready.
I boiled potatoes, added to a dish with oil, seasoned with salt and then put in a pre heated oven (approx 190) for about 20/25 mins.
When the potatoes are crispy mix it with the warmed up sauce.
I think it will be nice using just boiled potatoes too. X
Sunday, 25 November 2012
After looking forward to having a burger from the All burger company, all day and spending ages deciding which burger I was going to go for (Mexican if you're interested :-) ) when we called to place the order found out it was closed. Very annoying. So we have had to come up with a plan b. Ace burgers, i'm hoping it will be as nice, we'll see. Watch this space....
Even though it was raining I decided to take Lucas out for a walk this afternoon. Phil was watching the grand prix and Thomas wanted to stay with him so I took advantage and got some fresh air and exercise. It was nice to have a baby who is just happy to be pushed around. I ended up walking for over an hour. It will make up for the burger i'm going to eat. X
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Friday, 23 November 2012
Dunkin dinkies
Lucas had his swimming lesson today and as well as dunking them to Humpty Dumpty we also dunked them under a ring. Let go and watched them Pop back up! I always find that so clever, and a relief!
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Just been for a nice walk, its a lovely sunny day, although a bit windy. Took Lucas to the park and on the swings for the first time. I think he liked it. I think its important to get out every day for some fresh air and even better if the sun is shining :-)
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Above the clouds and houses
Saw a beautiful rainbow today. Thomas pointed it out to me, put a smile on our faces
Monday, 19 November 2012
Sleepy time
I always find it such a relief when Thomas has fallen asleep in the car. I find myself driving round for ages waiting for him to drift off. Taking a sneeky peek in the rear view mirror and when his eyes are closed I must admit I do a huge smile :-) knowing I can go home and there is a chance I will get half an hour or an hour to myself, to spend with Lucas or more often than not, to do house chores.
Luckily today it didn't take long, although probably helped by the heater being on which made me sleepy too. And the transition from the car to sofa was successful too. Yay!
Luckily today it didn't take long, although probably helped by the heater being on which made me sleepy too. And the transition from the car to sofa was successful too. Yay!
What's my name?
So there I was searching for some baking paper to put our cookies on, not very exciting I know! When Thomas said to me "what are you doing Joey?"
I don't know why but it made me laugh and I thought it was quite sweet he was calling me Joey. He must have heard Phil calling me that.
I don't know why but it made me laugh and I thought it was quite sweet he was calling me Joey. He must have heard Phil calling me that.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
School time
I can't believe how fast time goes. We showed Thomas his pre school today to get him used to going for when he starts in January. He was asking lots of questions and seemed quite interested which is good news. Hopefully it will stay that way :-)
Too upset
I asked Thomas if he wanted to show me his jumping on the trampoline. He said "no....i'm too upset" oops!
Cute quotes
Some recent comments from Thomas
He saw a plane and was asked where he thought it was going. Apparently this one was going to see Jesus.
When asked what he dreamt about he said "helicopters and dog bikes!"
He saw a plane and was asked where he thought it was going. Apparently this one was going to see Jesus.
When asked what he dreamt about he said "helicopters and dog bikes!"
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Very embarrassing moment while crossing the road today. I waited for the green man but wasn't quite ready when it came on and was having a swig of my water, so midway across I pushed the pushchair with my body to put my water down, which activated the break and caused me to bang into the pushchair. So I was stuck in the middle of the road on my own. The lights turned green again and the cars were waiting as I tried to turn off the break which is really stiff! Eventually I did it and trotted across as fast as I could without looking like I was rushing :-( lol
When Thomas saw a plane he was very excited and pointed it out. I said I wonder where its going? He said, er, maybe asda!
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Catching water
Giving Lucas a bath tonight I was pouring water on him from a watering can and he was trying to catch it. He couldn't work it out. Sweet
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Tuesdays suggestion
Thomas's suggestion today.....as its a Tuesday Mummy needs to sleep in the car all night, then in the morning he'll get Lucas up and give him breakfast, then he'll come out to the car and boof it to wake me up!
Disgusting dinners
Was very proud of a lovely home cooked lunch for Thomas, chicken with veg and lentils and cous cous. Got it all ready at the same time as Lucas's. Laid the table, got him sitting down with his bib on. Then I presented him with the scrummy lunch :-)
He took one look and said "er that is disgusting!"
I made him taste a bit and then he said "Yuk". Although after threatening to take his helicopter away he soon changed his mind and ate most of it.
Why do we bother? Lol x

He took one look and said "er that is disgusting!"
I made him taste a bit and then he said "Yuk". Although after threatening to take his helicopter away he soon changed his mind and ate most of it.
Why do we bother? Lol x

Monday, 12 November 2012
Gangnam Style!
Watched this for the first time today! Very funny. Especially as my Sister said her husband keeps dancing to it at home. I think I will put it on every day to make me smile :-)
PSY - Gangnam Style
PSY - Gangnam Style
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Chew Chew
Very proud of my baby today for having his first piece of toast and also chewing sticks of carrot. He'll be on the pizza before long :-)
Knock Knock
There we were eating lunch at the table when I heard a tapping noise which I thought was coming from next door. I looked out the window and the neighbours car wasn't there so immediately began to worry they had intruders. The knocking was still happening. Phil went out the back to see if he could see anything and the knocking stopped. How odd........
Then it started again, I was sure someone was trying to break in.
I looked at Thomas and noticed a big smile accross his face. I smiled back trying to hide my concern over the intruder next door.
Then he sweetly said..."it's me"
Yes, Thomas was kicking the table leg and had been the whole time and watching all the commotion. At least it wasn't an intruder I suppose!
Then it started again, I was sure someone was trying to break in.
I looked at Thomas and noticed a big smile accross his face. I smiled back trying to hide my concern over the intruder next door.
Then he sweetly said..."it's me"
Yes, Thomas was kicking the table leg and had been the whole time and watching all the commotion. At least it wasn't an intruder I suppose!
So Thomas has "phoned us"on the monitor and Lucas is waffling away in his cot. I wonder if I put Thomas's monitor in Lucas's room they would entertain themselves and give us a lie in? Maybe one to try next weekend? X
Saturday, 10 November 2012
So I asked Thomas what he wanted for dinner and suggested Pizza, he got excited and said ooh yes please...then said actually no I don't like pizza. Since when! Kids eh
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